5  Species Accounts Model/Example

This is what each section should have and mean.

5.1 Imaginary Plant Species

This plant is neato.

5.1.1 Which plants look dead in the winter but will come back

Leaves die back in winter, come back from base (not stem).

5.1.2 Is the plant movable and when is best and how

5.1.3 Species accounts with pictures of all stages and seeds

5.1.4 How and when can it be pruned

5.1.5 What shape if left alone? what shape in a group?

5.1.6 What size of containers can it be grown in?

5.1.7 foot/dog traffic

5.1.8 “agreeableness rating” a la diboll/cox/voigt

5.1.9 Observed and published lifespans

5.1.11 Commercially available (maybe? A lot of work)