Appendix A — Species that do well all over
Almost anywhere in Norman that’s sunny and not touching standing water - Maximilian sunflower
A.1 Shady habitats
White avens
Lyre Leaf sage
Inland Sea Oats
Texas mallow
Fall obedient plant
Purpletop grass
A.2 Sunny habitats
If you have the red clay soiland live on the “north” (loosely north) side of town, these are your keystone plants:
Maximilian sunflower
Little bluestem
Showy evening primrose
Sandy loams (not sticky clay, doesn’t have giant cracks form in summer dry), but not loose sand
Maximilian sunflower
Showy evening primrose Section 6.1
Fluttermill primrose Section 6.2
Common annual sunflower
If you have sandy soil and elsewhere in town, plant these:
Monarda punctata
Spiderwort (which one?)
Little bluestem
Gaillardia aestivalis
Tall thistle
Dark clay
- I need to ask J/J what grows in their yard.
For more species and what they like, see Chapter 5.