Appendix A — Species that do well all over

Almost anywhere in Norman that’s sunny and not touching standing water - Maximilian sunflower

A.1 Shady habitats

  • White avens

  • Lyre Leaf sage

  • Inland Sea Oats

  • Frostweed

  • Texas mallow

  • Fall obedient plant

  • Horseherb

  • Purpletop grass

A.2 Sunny habitats

If you have the red clay soiland live on the “north” (loosely north) side of town, these are your keystone plants:

  • Maximilian sunflower

  • Rudbeckia

  • Little bluestem

  • Showy evening primrose

Sandy loams (not sticky clay, doesn’t have giant cracks form in summer dry), but not loose sand

  • Maximilian sunflower

  • Rudbeckia

  • Winecups

  • Frogfruit

  • Showy evening primrose Section 6.1

  • Fluttermill primrose Section 6.2

  • Common annual sunflower

If you have sandy soil and elsewhere in town, plant these:

  • Monarda punctata

  • Spiderwort (which one?)

  • Little bluestem

  • Gaillardia aestivalis

  • Tall thistle

Dark clay

  • I need to ask J/J what grows in their yard.

For more species and what they like, see Chapter 5.